Links to Based Sites


I have dedicated this page to basically give shoutouts to some badass folks and friends of mine with their websites/stuff.

Cool Shoutouts til seje folk og deres sider:

Chad's Guide to Starting Your Own Website

Made by Luke Smith, this tutorial is teaching you how to get a domain, get a VPS, setting up a website, etc. It's very in-depth, and there's a bunch of bonus tutorials for what you can do within your server, once you have set it all up. It's great, if you do not want to be dependent on Big Tech services and all that.


An Über computer genius. This guy has been a great help for me when it comes to doing this DIY website and Matrix server stuff. Also, his website hosts a bunch of his different projects, like videos from his YT and Odysee channels, music from his band, his blog, and a wiki full of web tutorials.

Mike Ladano's Website

A cool canuck with a massive bulk of music reviews and plenty of interesting tales from his days as a record store employee. For fans of music (of the heavy caliber), definitely check his stuff out.

Michael's Website

Here's a website by Michael, also known as Monstro. A genuine cool dude, who got me inspired to do this minimal website thingy. The dude has various videos on his YT and Odysee channels, and he also has articles about music, latin, technology and other fun stuff. Check him out.

Stank Mania

My buddy Nathan does a bunch of charcoal surrealistic art. Sometimes with the color red, which looks sick. As far as I know, there will be more added to his site other than his cool art, although I'm not too sure. Still, go pay him a visit (and maybe buy some art).